Lv. 18, +20% Critical. This weapon really packs a punch. Like fruit punch. Like the drink. Geddit?

Lv. 20, heals 8% each turn, Be warned, sir, wearing this instantly gives you a posh British accent.

Lv. 25, +40% Attack. One of the only weapons in the game not made of fruit or sticks. Must be special.

Lv. 35 Water, +40% Health. A beautiful, coral helm that just makes you look, well, FABULOUS.

Lv. 55 Water, heals 8% each turn, +20% Defense. A glorious shield that is sure to make your opponents tremble in fear.

Lv. 35 Earth, +20% Stun chance. This hat looks STUNNING. Geddit? Because it stuns. Okay, I'll stop.

Lv. 45 Earth, +60% Attack if attacking second. Made of pure sugar crystals, so you know it's good.

Lv. 55 Earth, +80% Defense. Legend says this shield was once owned by a really on the whole good guy named Geoff.

Lv. 25 Air, wielder goes first. Makes you look majestic. May just be that it's covering your face.

Lv. 35 Air, +80% Attack if attacking first. This staff can also be used as air conditioning on hot days.

Lv. 45 Air, +60% Defense if attacking first. A shield made of air, and yet, somehow it defends you.

Lv. 25 Fire, +60% Attack. A headband that sometimes catches of fire. Manufacturing flaw.

Lv. 35 Fire, +80% Attack, -40% Defense. It's not cool if you swing this at someone. Geddit?

Lv. 35 Electric, +200% Energy. A hat which occasionally emits a shock to keep you on your toes.

Lv. 45 Electric, +40% Critical, +40% Attack. A whip made of electricity. Tesla would be proud.

Lv. 55 Electric, +20% Stun chance. A shield that can stun. Bonus feature, it can glow in the dark.

Lv. 30, Heals 12% each turn, +60% Health. An epic helmet crafted after the form of Hydrabyss. It's awesome.

Lv. 50, +20% Critical once, Heals 10% on critical hit, +60% HP. The most magical sword ever, also it heals you.

Lv. 70, +120% Attack, Uses all Energy Bolts, +100% Health. The most magical spear ever. It's pretty great, really.

Lv. 30, removes wielder's weakness, +20% Health. An epic helmet crafted after Terrahorn.

Lv. 50, +30% Stun chance, +60% Health. An epic hammer that can make the earth tremble.

Lv. 70, +120% Defense, wielder goes second, +100% Health. An epic mace with pretty flowers that are really very disarming.

Lv. 80, +100% Health, Pressure. An ancient helmet forged by Ragnarath himself. Additional damage each turn.

Lv. 80, +120% Attack, +50% Health. A weapon of cataclysmic power. Equal parts evil and awesome.

Lv. 80, +120% Defense, +50% Health. A shield that uses ancient darkness to protect its owner.

Lv. 70, +20% Health, +100% Attack against Dark Minos. A benevolent sword, forged from light itself.

Lv. 25 Water, +40% damage against Fire. A collar that used to belong to someone named Carl.

Lv. 25 Earth, +40% damage against Electric. A collar that used to belong to someone named Carl.

Lv. 25 Air, +40% damage against Water. A collar that used to belong to someone named Carl.

Lv. 25 Fire, +40% damage against Earth. A collar that used to belong to someone named Carl.

Lv. 25 Electric, +40% damage against Air. A collar that used to belong to someone named Carl.

Lv. 20 Water, +20% Health. Is this a gold-colored bubble or gold shaped like a bubble?

Lv. 30 Electric, +40% Health. A magical pendant infused with the element of Electric.

Lv. 20, +20% Health. A dark-infused pendant created by the Dark Wizard. Probably pure evil.

Lv. 30, +40% Attack, deals recoil damage. Is this even safe to hold? Where do the pirates even keep these things?

Lv. 35, +40% Defense, -20% Attack. The Captain's pirate hat! Maybe I can sneak into Candy Cove with this.

Lv. 40, +20% Attack, -20% Defense. Captain's trusty sword! You can do some serious damage with this.

Lv. 20, +100% Energy drop, +20% Speed. Dave ... made a saddle to ride birds. But actually this is a decent item.

Lv. 70, +80% Evasion, +80% Attack, -70% Health. A freaking awesome sword literally made of ghosts.

Lv. 50, +20% Evasion, Poisons attacking foe, -10% Health. A possessed ring. The ghost inside ... really likes fingers. It's weird.

Lv. 30, +20% Evasion, -10% Health. A mask that, when worn, makes you look like Nicholas Cage in Ghost Rider.

Lv. 15, +100% Damage to Ghosts. A locket with a photo of the Ghost Captain. I wonder who this belonged to ...

Lv. 70, +80% Attack, +50% Health, 15% Chance to Freeze. A weapon so powerful anything it touches may turn to pure ice.

Lv. 60, +20% Health, +100% Damage to all Winter monsters, including Winter Guardian, Winterqueen and Imposter Santa.

Lv. 50, +30% Health, resistance to Freeze. A santa hat so warm and cozy and christmasy that the wearer can't be frozen.

Lv. 60. Double damage against Statues. This scarab can change form between stone and scarab at will.

Lv. 70. 20% chance to remove opponent's effects. An ancient bracelet said to be forged from the fire of the sun.

Some metal and ... I don't know. Apparently we can use this to make 'sciencey' machines.

Wood used to build a raft. Those Jeffrey are pretty chunky dudes, wonder if it can hold them up.

God, what is this stuff? It's all gross and gooey. We can use it to craft batteries, though.

One of Dave's prized treasure things. Honestly, I doubt it's worth anything. Dave's an idiot.

First Mate's treasure. It's pretty shiny. I wonder where he found this. It's probably stolen.

Wow, now this is treasure! Look at how golden it is. Captain must be ballin' out of control!

A banner used in the PvP Arenas to show your team's valor! You can trade it in for sweet loot.

The last piece needed for Dr. Stone to unlock its true power. Elderbear's gotta be joking. This is ridiculous.